Friday, March 28, 2008


When Kevin and I met I was quickyly introduced to what I thought was a cute obsession the AUBURN TIGERS. I didn't give the fact that my new fella was a big Auburn football fan alot of thought, lots of guys like football, why would it make a difference? I kept this thought process all the way through our dating relationship and only noticed a little bit what an irritation it could become in our engagement.
Lets just say when marriage came I was SHOCKED at the amount of football watching I was supposed to endure. It was not just Auburn football, it was EVERYBODY' S football!I will admit I was quickly worn out with my husbands once "cute" obsession. Kevin and I made some compromises on the football watching. I will be the first to say he was more then willing to compromise with me and generally worked with me with the football watching!
During the compromising process I agreed to go to Auburn alabama and watch a game (ladies I do not suggest you travel eight hours during your first trimester of pregnancy, when nausea often occurs). Before we left Kevin even bought me an ADORABLE Auburn jacket and on the way a cute hat so that I would feel more like a fan! I was thrilled to go away for a weekend with my husband and felt like the game would be ok to go to!
As soon as I got to the game I realized why I thought Kevins obsession with the tigers was cute in the first place! From the minute we walked on campus I was actually excited to go to the game! We watched the band practicing, met some of the players moms why we waited to slap the players hands and wish them good luck before the game! I loved the excitement during the game as the fans screamed "WAR EAGLE" waving my pom pom... eating burgers... watching a real live eagle land on the field... most of all though I loved sharing something Kevin is so passionate about with him!
I will admit it now... the obsession is actually alot cuter now then I ever thought it would be! All you have to do is mention football and Kevin can tell you all the facts, especially if it invovles Auburn... I am proud of him for that! Kevin has drawn me into the auburn circle.... I am proud to say Averi already has a pink Auburn outfit and I am proud to sit by his side and scream " WAR EAGLE" at the T.V! We are trully an Auburn family!