Wednesday, August 12, 2009

selling the van

As I said in our previous post we have made the difficult decision to sell our van. This is especially hard because we are very proud of the fact that we paid cash for it and do not owe anything. It is also that fact that lead us to the difficult decision that as much as we like it, in order to get out of debt it has to go! Debt is a nasty entangling thing, we have learned the hard way how much it can effect your life when you allow it to get out of control.... what we would not do to go back two years and change the financial mistakes we have made, unfortunately that is not an option SO we must persevere and plan each step to eventually become debt free. Becoming this way is not going to be easy, it means working extra hours, being exhausted and selling our precious van to squeeze two car seats in our Cobalt!
We are thrilled and excited tho because a man came and looked at the van yesterday and called today with an offer only about two hundred lower then we had wanted so after weeks of dealing with craigslist emails, and people coming by to look at it yet not buy it tomorrow (all going well) the van will be SOLD!!!! Woo hoo! We are excited and sad at the same time to see it go but mostly excited about our decisions and our future!


Megan Abraham said...

Wow Rachel! I know that is a huge sacrifice for you guys... I will pray that God will give continue to give you endurance as you tackle the nasty beast of debt.

lillie said...

I admire your wisdom and determination. We managed with one car for years and years, and while it is not easy, especially with children and both parents working in different places, it can be done. The focus on a debt-free life and all that means, will inspire you to be creative in finding ways to cut corners and save. God Bless as you work toward your goal.

The Fitzgerald's said...

Good for you! Clark and I became debt free right afte Micaiah was born and even thought it was a long and painful process the end result was sweet!