I am not always good about praising God in all circumstances. My attitude is not always one that brings him glory. This week, while Kevin was out of town, I had one very sick son, who was so fussy and couldn't be soothed. He has an upper respiratory infection and croup. He didn't sleep for more then a few minutes for 2 days. I had all 3 kids on my own, all desperately needing some loving and to top it off I had an awful cold and wanted to curl up and go to sleep! I couldn't meet all their needs, someone was crying for something all day for 2 days straight.
I was reminded in the middle of the night while I rocked my screaming son as he coughed and cried that rocking him is a gift from God. That mothering him, mothering all 3 of my beautiful babies is a gift from God and I need to do it to HIS glory! No I can not always meet all their needs at once, but I can adjust my attitude and mother them gently and with patience, even when I am sick, in a way that would bring my Heavenly Father glory, that is why I am here, that is why he created me, to bring him glory! Thank you dear Jesus for the opportunity to be their Mama!