Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sofia is 4...

Dear Sofia, YOU ARE 4! I can not believe you are such a big girl already, I feel like we were just meeting you. You are truly the peanut butter that holds us together, you are funny- like REALLY funny. You often talk in silly voices just to make us laugh or use funny words with meanings that you have made up, you also love to make up knock knock jokes. You love babies, especially "your baby" Fischer. You call him "little fatty", "little cutie cutie", "fat man", "chubba-bub". You will lay on the floor and play with him for a long time and always want to hold him. He laughs the most for you! You go to PK 2 days a week and have made a lot of friends. Your teachers say you are very out going and popular, we are so happy you are enjoying yourself! You are learning a lot. You know all your shapes and colors, can count to 20 and write you name! You are my mini me and prefer to stay with me all the time, which I dont mind a bit! You come get in our bed almost nightly, which as annoying as it can be to be kicked in the back because you sleep the wrong direction, I am cherishing! You are such a cuddler,you always have been! In honor of your 4th birthday I am reposting your birth story! Your birth is so precious to me! I had my 1st all natural delivery with you my Pearlie and it pushed me both physically and mentally to limits I didnt think I could surpass! It taught me how much I am REALLY capable of and put a closeness and intimacy between your dad and I that I had never experienced! Thank you for teaching me so much in 4 years! I love you my baby girl!

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