Saturday, February 8, 2014

Avs new do..

Averi is almost 6. She is lovely. She is kind hearted and a real sweetie. She has started executing her opinion on what she wears, which since we apparently have similar taste (girls should wear as much pink as possible) I am ok with! She has been growing out her hair for a couple years and it was literally touching her bottom. She HATED having it fixed and wanted a constant pony tail, fought having it brushed or braided and was honestly so long it had become a lot to care for. But it was REALLY pretty. She started asking me a couple months ago about cutting her hair off and I told her if she ever decided to she could give it to locks of love and explained what that was. She didnt bring it back up until a couple weeks ago when she said "momma I wanna cut my hair and give it to the sick kids without hair" well I couldn't deny her sweet kindness. So off we went and 14 inches later she has an adorable bob that makes her look about 14 years old. So incredibly proud of this sweet girl!

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