I promise to care for you, to hug you, to comfort you... even when I am tired and you are screaming!

I promise to kiss you every day...even if you have morning breath...

I promise to give you LOTS of hugs and kisses and savor those moments you want to snuggle..even at 2 am...

I promise the three of you to always strive to be the best wife and mommy I can. To care for our house in a manner and with an attitude that glorifies God. To discpline you girls out of love, and to respect you Kevin at all times, to always try to swallow my pride and admit when I am wrong... to Praise the Lord for your lives, to thank God for gifting you to me, to admire Gods soveriegn plan in knowing just what I would need for a husband and daughters, I am blessed, and I promise I will never forget that nor will I take it for granted!
Awe...thats sweet babe!
That is the sweetest Rachel!!
Awesome..!!!Feel jelouse!! ha ha ah God Bless you both and hope your life will full of love for ever.Like poem.
dsi r4
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