Friday, January 22, 2010

still looking a like...

Sofia three months old!

Av around three months

Averi and Sofie

These two girls may look alike but they are oh so different! Av was not nearly as fussy as Sof...but you had to work really hard to make Av laugh, Sof will laugh at anything-her grin will melt your heart! Averi did really good at learning to put herself to sleep...Sofie is stubborn, but I think it is just because she wants to cuddle! Averi was always little bitty...miss sofie is a regular chunk, both girls are gorgeous! They are so different and I am so excited to watch them grow to be best of friends, share secrets, giiggle at night when they should be asleep...oh I can not wait! I love having daughters, I am incredibly blessed to be their mama, I so hope they always know I consider it a priveledge that God gifted them to me!


Kevin Yates said...

There was no giggling last night when Averi should have been asleep.

The Yates' said...

no there certainly wasnt... that was rough!

John said...

Averi and Sofie both have same thing that is their parents.well I see that Averi looks like you!!
dsi r4