Monday, November 8, 2010


I am so thankful for this man... He loves me unconditionally, He loves me when I am being completely irrational and when I am being down right mean, He loves me when I am being funny and when I am balling my eyes out. after three and a half years and two babies he still wants to spend time with me, He still likes taking me on dates, we still enjoy just being together, he is still my best friend! He has been my coach through both our daughters birth and has helped me through night feedings, night rockings, night fevers and night diaper changes... he adores our daughters and they him... we often marvel at how incredibly blessed we are to have TWO healthy, vibrant and beautiful daughters! He works incredibly hard to provide for us yet never forgets to place time with us and time with the Lord above his job! We both are growing and changing in the Lord, our life isn't what we pictured it would be on our wedding day, it is SO much better. I am thankful for this man, thankful to call him my husband, thankful that he still buys me flowers and never misses a day to hug or kiss me, thankful that God chose me to be his bride!

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