Thursday, September 15, 2011

scatter brained...

Needless to say it has been a busy 7 weeks. We had Rei, traveled to louisville twice, Averi started preschool, Kev has had to travel for work and I started back one day a week at work. Our life is busy, but we like it that way!
I have however been suffering from a mixture of sleep deprivation and a lot of "mommy brain"... specifically mommy brain when it comes to my KEYS! I am constantly losing my keys, this is nothing new in our home. But the last week it has taken on a whole new level. Kev was in louisville last week just after we had gotten back from a trip to his families farm in Dickson so I was on my own. I got up that morning got everyone dressed and ready (by 830 am) to take Averi to preschool when I realized I could not find my keys. I searched frantically ALL OVER and finally called Kev and did what every loving, rational wife does and blamed him, I was confident he had taken them to louisville with him, depsite his promises he did not have them (sorry babe!)...I finally gave up and we spent the day at home. It took Averi about 30 minutes to get over the fact that she couldn't go to school, and Kev decided to cut his trip early and bring me his keys so i wouldnt be stranded the next day!
While Kev was on his way home though I was putting away laundry and what did I find in my closet in a bag I had checked 3 times KEYS!Talk about an apology I felt like an idiot...bless my husband for being so kind and laughing the whole thing off,I love that boy!
Of course the key saga doesn't end there! Yesterday I dropped Averi off at preschool then headed to the park with Rei and Sof. I parked, threw my keys into my diaper bag in the passenger seat, opened the driver side van door got sof out of her car seat but left her standing in the van so i could grab the stroller and get Reiter and her both out the other door...I went to the back to get the stroller out when I realized the door was LOCKED with both babies inside!!!! I freaked out! Called Kev who was 20 minutes away to bring me his keys and tried to calmly talk to Sofie despite Reis screaming! Sofie is such a smart cookie, I managed to talk her up into the passenger seat after much persuasion, got her to get my keys out after her pulling my cell phone out 10xs, and got her to push the unlock button after she nearly hit thepanic button! I couldn't have been more proud,SUPER SOFIE to the rescue!
You would think, or hope, that that was the last of my key mishaps, it wasn't! I got to church last night and did the exact same thing. Luckily Super sof was once again out of her car seat and without me saying anything pulled the keys out of the diaper bag, hit the button and unlocked the door, I wasn't even late to church HAHA! Needless to say I should probably sleep more!

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