Friday, August 3, 2012

Reiter Michael Yates, you are one years old

Dear Reiter, I am 1st and foremost so thankful to call you my son! You are such a beautiful baby boy and I praise God for designing youto fit right into our family! I remember discovering we were pregnant with you. It was a little nerve wrecking for me, we had just moved to TN and I had just started a job I loved at Vanderbilt, God has a way of changing our plans though because his plans are so much better and his plans for that time in our life was for us to have you,Reiter, I am so happy you were Gods plan for us! Your pregnancy was a total joy! I was more sick with you in the 1st trimester then with your sisters, although I do not know if that was because I was pregnant or adjusting to working night shift. But after the 1st trimester I really,really enjoyed carrying you! You were so active and we found a lot of joy watching you flip and flop as my belly turned with you! It was so exciting to find out you were a boy, our first boy, we talked constantly about what you would look like, how different raising a son compared to daughters would be and how badly we wanted you to be a man of Christ! We knew right away what your name would be Reiter after Mommys best friend and dear friends of ours, some of the most caring Godly people we know! and Michael after your Daddy and Papa. When it got to the end of my pregnancy I was offered a part time postion in another unit, I jumped on the chance because I was tired of being away from your sisters and couldn't fathom leaving you so soon after birth 3 nights a week. There was one hitch, I had to switch units before I gave birth to you due to Vanderbilt policy and I would lose my insurance 31 days after switching units. This created a major dilemma, you see your momma is all for natural childbirth and I wanted to go into labor on my own, I believe in most cases babies come when they are ready. I knew switching units and the effect it would have on my insurance would put a time line on you coming. My midwife tried everything from 37 weeks on to get my labor going naturally. I agonized about what to do as weeks ticked by and you didn't come. Finally the day before your due date arrived and you were still chillin in utero... my midwife tried one last time at my check up to get you to come! IT WORKED! We visited the midwife at 2 in the afternoon, then met your uncle Jon and Aunt Lauren at Nanna and Papas for pizza. It was a great evening, we knew the next day ,your due date, was induction day and your daddy and I prayed God would allow you to come that night. We left your sisters at Nanas and Jon and Lauren came with Daddy and I to get ice cream. We had a fun night full of laughter. I remember around 12 feeling some contractions and telling your Aunt Lauren (a L and D/ NICU nurse) who confirmed how hard my belly was feeling. God was good and instead of panicking He gave me peace that either you would come or I would have the induction and meet you the next day, either way I needed to trust him! I went to bed and actually slept until about 430 when contractions woke me up. I tried to go back to sleep but was to uncomfortable laying. So I took a shower without waking up your daddy (i thought it may be a long day and wanted to let him sleep) I took a shower and fixed my hair. Stopping to breath through contractions. at 530 I woke up your daddy and told him I didnt think we were going to need that 9 am induction after all! At 6 we called my midwife, she suggested we come on in, it was a 45 minute drive. I was handeling the labor better then I expected (I kindve freaked out with Sofie the first time I went natural) we talked (jon and Lauren accompanied your dad and I to the hospital) and were even laughing, stopping every 4 to 5 minutes to let me breath through the contraction then talking again, it was a weird experience! We got to the hospital at 715. I was checked and was 5 to 6 cms dialated. Your nana met us there, I was so happy to have her share in this day with us. We walked the halls and labor got harder, I remember stopping and leaning on the wall to help with the contraction, your daddy rubbing my back while Lauren reminded me to breath, and saying through the most intense moment "this is the worse it gets" then the contraction would ease. I felt so much peace and like God was really in control and I praised him for giving me the strength to make it this far. I was checked again at 10, I was 8cms. I tried to shower and realized I just couldnt stand anymore. I got back in the bed. I remember burning up and them putting a fan on me. My midwife knew your were significantly bigger then your sisters but never let on to me that pushing you out would be any harder then the 1st 2 times I had done it! I was "hands and knees" and being very vocal. I felt so in tune with my body though and was able to tell your daddy when I needed to be reminded my body was designed to do this. My midwife and your Aunt Lauren also reminded me I was indeed "doing it" and that "you would be here soon", I remember looking over and your Nana getting her camera ready, I knew I had to be close then! By 1045 I was 9... then shortly after I was a "fingertip" I felt so much pressure and wanted to push. My midwife encouraged me to trust my body and if I wanted to push to try. I pushed, but something felt wrong, it wasnt the relief I wanted it felt like going up against a brick wall. My bag of water was still in tact and she then broke it to see if that would help. I pushed again, with no relief. My midwife then told me you were coming out face up and would need to be turned because I was struggling to get you out, I agreed. She turned you, I thought I was gonna die! But as soon as you turned I pushed 4 times and out came the most perfect little boy, chubby with dark hair! 8lbs 8 oz 19.5 inches long! They laid you on my chest immediatly, I was in love! Your dad and I cried, Nana took pictures and held you, so did Aunt Lauren! I praised God for your safe and fast arrival! Uncle Jon met you next and then Aunt lauren and him had to head back to Lousiville. They will never understand my gratitude for them coming to be with us that precious day! I have been totally and completely smitten with you since day one, we all have. You have the most infectious giggle and smile! You have always slept well and been very content. Thank you God for Reiter Michael, thank you for the opportunity to parent him and help us not take that for granted!

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