Wednesday, March 13, 2013

shower for Fischer

When it is your 4th baby you don't expect to be given a baby shower, so when my dear friend Sarah offered to throw me one I was surprised, elated and honored! She enlisted the help of our friend Kendra and a few other girls from our mommy group! It was perfect! Whale themed and super cute! We played some games and ofcourse ate yummy food and I received several great (and much needed) gifts! Most of all I just appreciated that people would take the time to celebrate Fischer with us. The more babies you have I think people can start to think you don't care as much about celebrating, like it is old news because you have done the whole baby thing over and over. But that is not true, I recognize the awesome gift God has given us in children, even if it is chaotic sometimes, and therefore I will celebrate and anticipate Fischers impending arrival just like I did Averi, Sofia and Reiters- with excitement beyond belief! Thank you to all who came to the shower and to all who helped put it together, it made this momma feel very special indeed!

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