Thursday, May 16, 2013


Dear Averi, I cant believe you are 5 years old. It very literally feels like just yesterday your dad and I were meeting you, yet at the same time it feels like you have always been here. I can not remember life without you sweet girl! You are the most magnificent little girl. You LOVE to play- your favorite things are Barbie dolls, house, puppies, doll house and little people. You love to write and color and can literally sit at the table for an hour or more asking "mommy how do I spell..." You are so sweet and generous and love to make people cards to show them how much you love them. You have lots of friends and play well with almost anyone. Your best friend is your sister for sure, you guys play so well together- I love listening to you stay up well past bed time giggling together, I remember doing the same thing with my own sister as a child! You graduated preschool this week. It was a hard reality for this momma to swallow baby girl. The idea that my baby girl, the one who made me a momma, is going to kindergarten BLOWS my mind. You are so ready, you are mature and helpful, you have a sweet, kind and respectful disposition and I know will do great but You are and always will be my baby and I am just not quite ready for you to be gone from me so much everyday. I pray God gives me peace as you enter school and gives you so much confidence and that ultimately school will be a place where God can shine so big through you! Averi more then anything I ALWAYS want you to know how proud we are of you! Thank you for always being so willing to help, for always finding the funny in every situation. I love how you talk like youre 16 and look forward to watching God grow you into the young women you already think you are. I love you baby girl, I thank God for giving me you. You my dear have taught me so much, you have grown my heart in more ways then I knew it could expand. You are an excellent big sister and we would all be lost without your grinning face. HAPPY 5th birthday my pinkalicious girl!

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