Friday, August 2, 2013

3 months...

Fischer man, You are now officially 3 months old! WOW how time is flying! You have turned into a mellow happy fella, you laugh and grin easily, sleep fairly well, and love to cuddle with your momma (which I am eating up by the way)! You prefer to be held so when we are out you spend a lot of your time in your Ergo, and now thanks to mommys friend Mandy, the Moby wrap! You seem to like both a lot and typically go right to sleep! You love your siblings, especially your big sisters- or as we call them your other mommas! They want to hold you all day and are so helpful talking to you when you start to fuss and mommas hands are full! You eat every 3 hours and usually only get up once at night although some nights more. You LOVE to rock and I am happy to oblige that! You nurse 99% of the time but will take a bottle if Daddy has to feed you for some reason without a problem. You can roll from belly to back, love your light up floor mat and love to be rocked! You are as handsome as they come! You actually have some red tint in your hair which is so fun! Happy 3 months you sweet baby boy!

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