Friday, July 16, 2010

Andrew Patrick Murphy

My sister began bleeding and went to the doctor. She had lost the baby. They had to induce labor and Andrew Patrick arrived at 2am saturday morning. Ruthie and James were able to hold him and the nurses dressed him and took some pictures. My sister seems to be doing ok and I plan to leave on monday to go see her for the week. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Andrew Patrick will be missed, we are all mourning his life and trying to understand why such things happen while at the same time trying to praise the Lord and seek him out for comfort. We believe Andrew is now with Jesus and look forward to meeting him someday.

1 comment:

Square Peg said...

I am not a believer, I wish I was. However...........I hold your sister in my thoughts and know that a true mother is born the moment she discovers she is pregnant and no matter what, the love a mother bares for her child never fades away.

Stay strong. x