My nephew Addison and Cheryl at my TN shower
My diaper cake at my TN shower... so cute!
Me and some other lovely pregnant ladies at my church shower
Me and Sarah at my church shower
My sis drove all the way from Ft. Meyers to suprise me for my church shower!
Opening presents at my TN shower!I have discovered that one of the best ways to break up your wait time during pregnancy is to have baby showers! I have been incredibly blessed to have three showers throughout my pregnancy!
My first shower was in TN, given by a close family friend Elaine (her daughter cheryl and daughter in law Lisa also helped!). It was a lovely shower. I got to meet a lot of women whom I did not know before, and got the opportunity to chat with several I had met but didn't know well! It was a blast!
My second shower was given by my mom and good friend Sarah. It was at church and also a blast! The decorations were lovely and I had fun chatting with my close friends... the games were very creative (including the baby song game where I said baby got back in front of my mom... that doesnt happen often).
I have my third and final baby shower tomorrow and I am so looking forward to it! Two of my closest friends Brooke and Lindsay are throwing this shower, we have grown up together and I don't know what I would do without these girls! This shower is for several girls at work and just some close friends of mine! I am looking especially forward to it since it has gotten extremely hard to see both Brooke and Lindsay because of our hectic schedules... these days it is hard to find time to spend with most my friends!
I will put up pics from my first two showers and will add some more from the third later!