Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The count down contiues!

We are officially 24 days away from Averi Noels due date and I can not wait! For the most part I have had a pretty easy pregnancy... I was sick at the beginning and very tired but as soon as we hit that second trimester I was going strong... in fact through most of the third trimester I was going strong, feeling VERY energized and not overly uncomfortable!
Now though with a little over three weeks left I feel like Oh my goodness I am SO tired! I look at myself in the mirror and can hardly recognize this person staring back at me! Not only is my belly HUGE and (showing no sign of stopping the expansion any time soon), but my feet and hands are huge! Seriously if you have never experienced this 40 weeks of blessings just wait... your body will do some amazing things!
As uncomfortable as pregnancy can be though I wouldn't change it for the world! When I am laying in bed NOT sleeping I can feel my baby girl wiggling and kicking and I think "wow our God is truly incredible." When you feel those wiggles, and sometimes pretty tough kicks you know that something out of this world is going on in your body... you are growing another human being... how cool is that?
As much as I want my baby on the outside and as badly as I want to hold her and give her kisses and to just see the little girl who plays soccer with my ribs all day... part of me will miss having her on the inside of me where I know she is safe and protected. The bigger part of me though is REALLY counting down....24 days (hopefully at the most) and we will have our baby... it may not sound like much to you but when you have a bowling ball between your legs you will quickly realize 24 days is a life time!

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