Monday, December 28, 2009

2 months

Sofie hit two months on the 21st... can you believe we have had this gorgeous girl here for two months already? She has turned into a much better baby in the last month, typically only crying when she is tired or hungry. She is a mamas girl and seems to have a difficult time calming down for others, although she fell asleep twice in her Nanas arms on christmas, big props to Nana!
she goes from perfectly calm to a total meltdown in seconds. I swear you could hear her cry from a mile away. She mostly sleeps in her swing and is sleeping between 9-11 hours at night, Go Sofie. At her two month check up she weighed 11pounds even, 50th percentile, and was 221/2 inches long, 75th percentile. She smiles easily and has begun to laugh out loud. She is beautiful and spunky and I cant imagine our home without her.

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