Friday, December 4, 2009


It is official, the journey to skinny begins monday for me and my friend Ashley. after her three babies in three years and my two in two we are both fed up with maternity clothes and feeling just plain fat! So starting monday the battle begins we are both weighing in and then in 90 days whoever has lost the most weight gets a hundred bucks from the loser and free child care while they get a date night with the hubs! You better be prepared Mrs. Barrett to watch all five kiddos because I am going to WIN!


ashley jean barrett said...

Oh the smack talk is gonna be good.!!!! It is so gonna e nice to drop off my three at your house. Loser has to watch my babies.
haha. lets weigh baby.
love ya

Adam Holly Grace said...

So funny and a neat idea! Can't wait to see who wins! :)