Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Harper's "other mom"

When we pray at night with our kids before bed we pray for Harper. They utter sweet prayers like "keep harper safe", "bring Harper Home soon", "help Harper like it here", "I hope Harper is having fun in Haiti if she is born", every time I hear them pray for her it wedges her farther into our hearts and etches this sweet spot into our family portrait that is awaiting her arrival. Lately my sweet tender hearted girl has been praying for Harper's "other mom"... Her prayer tonight was "keep Harper safe in her 'other' mommy's belly if she isn't born and if she is make her mommy happy without her". First I felt a sting. I'm Harper's mom, her real mom, her meant to be mom-not her 'other' mom.But i also know in another world their is a women or will be a women who will carry our daughter. Who despite her circumstances is choosing or has chosen life for our daughter. And she is Harper's real mom too. First I know adoption isn't meant to be. If sin wasn't in the world all children would be in perfect families with love but we live in a fallen world. As a result there are babies and children everywhere who need homes and love and care. Every believer is called to orphan care. Every believer is called to support orphans until there are no more. Some like us are called to parent one. Others are called to give and advocate on the orphans behalf. And all are called to pray! So, since adoption is. Since orphans are. Since God has called us to Harper. The 'other' mom is. I think of her a lot. If she is pregnant, feeling our daughter move, knowing her from the start. She is facing the hardest choice any women can imagine She is choosing what happens to her daughter. Our daughter. And that is a burden that breaks my heart for her. I want her to know how very thankful we are for her choice to give her daughter life. When harper is born and she makes the choice to let her go I want so badly for God to give her a peace that she is going to a family who Will love her. Love her in good moments and bad. Love her when she is sick and well. Love her when she is throwing fits or laughing hysterically. Love her as she grows and becomes a women. That we will comfort her and pray for her always. I just want her to have so much more peace then I can imagine having in her shoes. Please join me in praying for her. Please join me in preparing my heart to mother harper in the way she needs. AS well as praying for me as I mourn not being there for Harper's birth and probably her 1st and even 2nd birthday, my momma heart wants to be there for these milestones. But I know God is writing Harper a beautiful story, and I'm thankful to be a part.

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