Monday, November 10, 2008

Jackson weekend

This past weekend Kevin and I had the privilege of visiting with my family... my aunt (whom I call Nana) and my uncle (Papa). We always have so much fun visiting them and I love showing Kevin around. This trip was especially nice as I got to show Kevin the house I lived in when I was in eighth grade and got him to walk on a real swinging bridge (over the Ky river), the same one we walked as kids when the low water driving bridge leading into our hollow was flooded over... Kevin was a little nervous about it and I have to admit it seemed a lot scarier this time then it did when I was a kid!
Kevin also had some bonding time with the boys. About eighteen of them went across the river and up in the hills to camp out and hunt. Do not ask me why you would want to hunt and sleep in such cold weather but they did and Kevin said he had a BLAST! What fun it is to go back to the hills of KY and visit sweet family, it is truly home!
The following pictures are of the house I lived in when I was in eighth grade,the swingingg bridge, my cousin and her children willie Kyle and June Bug, and ofcourse Kev av and I

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