Wednesday, January 5, 2011

the sweetest thing...

I had my first appointment with the midwife yesterday, by my dates I was 9 weeks and 6 days a long. We thoroughly enjoyed meeting our new midwife, her name is Lauren! She is young, knowledgeable, easy going and easy to chat with! She told us she wont typically even try to hear the heart beat with a doppler until 10 weeks because you often can't hear it but since we were a day away from 10 weeks she was willing to try! So she tried, and tried and tried... yet could not seem to find the heart beat. She kept telling me it was normal, and that the more babies you have and the closer together you have them the more stretched your uterus becomes which makes it harder to find such a tiny babies heart beat... but they found them with ease even earlier in my pregnancy with both Sofia and Averi, so needless to say it did scare me. Knowing what my sister had been through with losing Pepper and losing the other babies in miscarriage and probably by the panicked expression on my face she said, "I absoloutly DO not think anything is wrong but to put your mind at ease we will go ahead and do an early ultrasound, if you want"... I said "YES!!!Please"... so off to the ultrasound we went, all 30 minutes between her trying and seeing this little beauty in my belly on the screen I was freaked out, sure something was not right... Kev holing my hand, reassuring me that there was no sign anything was wrong and us both saying silent prayers that there really wasn't...all fears were erased when the ultrasound tech showed us our little one, wiggling like a wild person with a heart beat in the healthy as can be. PRAISE GOD! Just that tiny tiny tiny scare made me remember again how blessed I am to have 2 healthy girls, and how blessed I am to be carrying a 3rd baby, may I continue to remind myself none of these babies are mine, they are the Lords and may I truly place them in his hand daily. The ultrasound tech informed us we were a little further long then we thought, 10 weeks 3 days vs 9 weeks 6 days, which puts the due date as July 29th although since I have no plans of being induced I would say this baby still wont arrive until August!

ten weeks...

7 weeks...

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