This is at about three months old, it used to be so easy to get her to sleep!
It seems no matter how hard we work, Averi will sleep through the night GREAT for like two weeks and then we have a week of screaming all through the night, as if she is teasing us with the two weeks of doing good! This last week was particularly rough, she was up constantly through the night...usually I would let her fuss it out but this was not just fussing it was all out screaming.
She has a cold and I know that played a part into it but I did not think that was the whole issue! I was talking to my good friend Lydia on Wednesday and she said her daughter who is almost three months younger then Averi has been sleeping well at night but doesn't always take the best naps... when she said this it dawned on me... "DUH rach, cut out a nap"... so last night Kevin and I cut out her "evening nap" and made our sweet girl stay up!
She was a little fussy but this was to be expected. She went to bed at eight pm and we did not see or hear from her until five thirty this morning, and at five thirty she ate and went right back down! PRAISE THE LORD for a good nights rest!