Friday, July 31, 2009

15 month check up

Averi just turned 15 months and is more wild then ever! Her vocab is expanding like crazy, she says "dog, "MAMA", "DADA" "Na" (for nana), "PaPa" (for papa and for PopPop), MeME (for Meemom), "no", "baby", "ove u" (love you), "hi" and "Bye bye" and her new fav "mine" I am sure she says others that we just can not interpret as of yet! She runs EVERYWHERE, loves to be outside, is head over heals for her daddy and LOVES to talk to him on the phone! She is a snuggler, she will sit on our laps and watch Veggie tales or cartoons, and is never short on hugs and kisses! She has dance moves like I've never seen and LOVES music...her favorite toys are her baby dolls, and her curious George! This age is SO fun!
Averi had her 15 month check up yesterday, she is 25lbs and 32 inches... I didn't catch what percentage that put her in but they said she looked GREAT! Everything seemed fine and the Doctor was pleased with her growth and development, she even showed him her "Sofie" which is actually her belly button, we've seemed to have confused her by showing her my belly and telling her Sofie was inside because now all belly buttons are Sofies!
There was one worrisome thing at her check up that we would ask you to pray for, about a month ago Averi had a severe skin reaction to what we assumed was peanut butter. We took her to the doctor and saw the 1st available pediatrician who was not one I had ever seen, he was very nice but despite my concerns did not want to test Averi to ensure us her allergy was peanuts he in fact told us that it would be fine to give her peanuts again at age two. Well at her check up yesterday one of the two doctors we regularly see asked me about her having come in for an allergic reaction, I explained what had happened and what the other doctor said... lets just say he was a little heated at the other doctor! He told us by no means should we give her peanuts now or at two if we think she may have an allergy because her allergy could go away or it could in fact get worse and we could seriously harm her by giving them to her! He was very thorough he went ahead and had blood taken from Averi to run an allergy test for peanuts and said if it came back positive we would have to carry an Epi pen. We should know for sure next wednesday if she has the allergy. I was pretty upset at the other doctor for not being as thorough and upset at myself for not pushing for the allergy test when the problem occurred but EXTREMELY glad one of our regular doctors had the sense to test her despite what the other doctor said! Anyways say a little prayer that she doesn't have an allergy and it was a one time problem and if she does have the allergy we will learn how to handle it!
WE LOVE YA AVERI You ARE FUNNY, GORGEOUS and a DELIGHT to wake up to everyday!


lillie said...

I will certainly pray that Averi is not allergic to peanuts. Sounds like that doctor didn't know enough to be treating anyone, much less children (babies).

At least Averi has not developed as a favorite word "NO", yet. That will surely happen though, and will be used even when she means "Yes".

The Murphys said...

She talks so much! Definitely more than Corbin at that age!

Adam Holly Grace said...

Precious little Av!! Just prayed for the allergy test, etc. Let us know when you find out!