Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Parents day out!

I got home at 630 this morning from a twelve hour shift at the nursing home took a shower, played with Av for a few minutes and by 730 was sound asleep. Kevin came in to tell me he was heading off to take Av to her first day of Parents day out! I was both nervous and excited for her, she is only going one day a week from 930-130 but this is really the first child care we have utilized outside of friends and family besides church nursery where we are familiar with the people and are in the same buiding! I should not have been worried though because our girl took it like a pro! Kev said when he dropped her off she seemed a little leary so he went in with her and showed her the toys and it was smooth sailing from there!
I picked up a worn out yet happy baby girl at 130! They said she hadn't fussed at all and was a joy to keep!She ate her lunch well and played with the other kiddos! When I came in she was showing off her dance moves to the other kids (they had childrens music playing!). It was hard to let her go but a milestone none the less, she did GREAT! And now I dont have to be back at work until Sunday so the next three days I get my girl all to myself, besides sharing her with her daddy!

My camera battery died this morning but I caught a couple of pictures of our big girl and daddy heading off to her first day of Parents Day Out pn my cell phone!

1 comment:

The Murphys said...

Aww!!! I'm glad she had fun!