Wednesday, September 23, 2009

check up!

Psalm 118:24 - "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Today I started weekly check ups... it was the BEST doctors appointment I had had in a while! My blood pressure was GREAT (130/68) the best it has been in several appointments, and I am 1- 1 1/2 cms dilated and 70 percent effaced- I know that is not much and to some people may seem discouraging but for me it is a HUGE YIPPEEE (!!) because with Averi I was not AT ALL dilated until they induced, I mean I was locked up like a bank vault, so knowing that I am already 1- 1 1/2 and that my body is heading in the right direction with having this girl, even if it takes another three or four weeks made my day!!!!
My midwife and the nurses in my practice are always so kind that I always leave there feeling confident and happy! They all treat you like they are your best girlfriends instead of just a patient, I LOVE it!
I was also reminded, once again, that pregnancy is a joy. Now granted I have had two very easy pregnancies and therefore may not have any ground to stand on here but to me it truly is a joy! No it is not easy, it is not comfortable, and it is not a lot of fun but it is a JOY to have the privilege to carry and give life to our children, a privilege that I often take for granted! PRAISE THE LORD he has given me two healthy pregnancies, and PRAISE THE LORD he chose me to be a Mother to two baby girls- I am truly blessed!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

YEA!! I can't believe Sofie is almost here! We're so excited for y'all! Please keep us posted. :)