Friday, September 4, 2009


Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real you woke up and questioned whether or not it was? Two nights ago I dreamed about my dear Granny Hontz. She died a little over two years ago and I can truthfully say not a day goes by that I dont miss her.
In my dream Kevin and I were coming home from the hospital with Sofia and were stopping by my grannys to pick Averi up (apparently she was babysitting). The only other thing I remember is seeing my granny on her bed, in her room, holding sweet Averi and smiling at us... she looked at Sofie and said "oh she is beautiful"... I wish I hadn't immediatly woke up, how I would have loved to see her more, even in my dreams!
Although her never meeting Kevin or my daughters breaks my heart I can and will REJOICE in knowing she is in heaven and in no pain! She is glorifying our magnificient Lord and I will see her again someday! I miss her so much...

1 comment:

The Murphys said...

Aww Rachel! I wish she could have met our kids.

On a lighter note - when preg with Corbin I had a vivid dream that I gave birth and he was a jelly fish. Took him home, filled up the tub, and turned him lose in there. And seriously it was so real that I almost believed it when I woke up. Even though I knew it was impossible lol.