Monday, September 21, 2009

double the fun!

One of the biggest joys in this pregnancy has been sharing it with my sweet friend Laura! We are both due on the exact same day with little girls! We have talked regularly about doctors appointments, aches and pains, hormones and the pure joy we feel in carrying our daughters! We also attended all twelve weeks of Bradley class together with our husbands which was a blast!Having someone who understands where I am at so well and is so willing to listen to all my complaints and can always make me laugh has meant the world to me!
We attend the same Sunday school class and the ladies were so sweet to throw us a shower together! I was honored with TONS of diapers and wipes and a few other goodies, which are so necessary and so appreciated and Averi enjoyed the evening playing with Leahs sweet little girl Kendall who is only a few months older! How blessed we are to have such sweet women in our class to share in our joy with us! Thank you Leah for hosting and opening your home to us!

1 comment:

Grace, Hope and Joy said...

I wish I could have been there! We had a previous commitment or I would have been. Looks like you all had a great time.