Our goal since we found out I was pregnant with Averi has been for me to be able to be a stay at home mom. That goal has never come fully to fruition despite the great desire of my heart and Kevins heart. I have always watched a couple extra kids a few days a week and/ or worked as a CNA a few days a week/ month. There have been times I have worked ALOT and times I have worked very little just depending on what we needed financially.
When moving here we decided I would go back to babysitting in our home so I could stay at home with the girls as much as possible. I was blessed to find a family easily and began watching their two daughters three days a week, the money isn't great in childcare but atleast I get to stay home...
I was searching for another job as an aid with hopes to just find something one weekend a month, just for extra money and in order to keep my license. I was discussing this at church when a friend, well really an acquantance, we had only just met said she worked for Vanderbilt hospital in Human relations and would love to help me out. After much talk in person and in email she interviewed me for a position at Vanderbilts womens center. The postion was PRN so my hours wouldnt be gauranteed yet I would have to have childcare for my girls because Kev would be working, and stop watching the girls I currently sat for, which was ofcourse my safety net...
After the interview we got to number crunching, and thinking, and praying when we realized just to justify me working outside of the home and paying my sister in law (who has been gracious enough to offer to watch our daughters) I would need to work three days a week at Vanderbilts Womens Center. Not ideal. So we continued to talk, decided the money wouldnt be good enough at this particular position to stop watching the girls I sit for and I emailed my friend at Vanderbilt to let her know...
Her response was if I needed three days a week why not make them twelve hour days at the hospital, I would get benefits ( I carry insurance for the girls and I, but it is not very good, kev has a plan through work) the pay would more then justify paying my sister in law to watch the girls and I truly feel like I would enjoy it.
My friend told me what postions to apply for and put in a good word for me. I recieved a call from a lady in the NICU at vanderbilt. She told me she had heard of me through my friend and was very excited to meet with me... I was excited too! The interview went amazingly well, she hired me on the spot. I start October 18th for orientation...the hardest part was telling the mom I currently sit for I could no longer watch her babies, talk about feeling like a jerk. Luckily she was incredibly kind about the whole thing and already found someone new.
The hardest thing is feeling like I am letting go of my dream to stay home full time. I have wept and wept and wept with this overwhelming feeling that I am a bad mom by working three days a week, Kevin has prayed with me, offered to work two jobs again,which I DO NOT want him to do, he has supported and encouraged me through out this whole decision process, he is the sweetest kindess man you will ever meet. I know it is a sacrifice to stay home, it is a lot of work and a financial sacrifice... for me though it is an even bigger sacrifice to work outside the home. I hate being away from my babies, PRAISE THE LORD they will always be with family members we fully trust!
So the plan is for me to work night shift, meet kevin with the girls in the morning and sleep at my in laws while my sister watched them for a few hours. I would prefer day shift so as soon as that comes open they will move me to day shift. I feel so blessed to have gotten this job, financially it is a huge burden lifted and what a better place to be when you cant be with your own babies then helping others with their own sick babies? This job is a dream come true for me, God has truly blessed us.