Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sofies zebra birthday!

Sofie turned one on thursday! I worked wednesday night while Kev was in louisville and the girls stayed with Nana and Papa, I got off on thursday morning and rushed to my in laws so I could see my birthday girl! I brought doughnuts and Auntie K decorated the whole kitchen for Sof! We were able to have a mini party before I went to sleep for a few hours, Sofie tried her doughnut, which she didnt seem to enjoy and "opened" a few presents, it was a great morning, I so appreciate Auntie K helping me make it extra special!
One of my dear friends, Sarah, came from louisville to visit and specifically for Sofies party, so she joined Kev, Av and I friday for Sofies birthday dinner with Nana, Papa, Auntie K and Addison... we enjoyed some chicken and had a little bonfire, it was the perfect night!
Saturday was her "big" party! I am all about birthdays, not that a lot of money has to be spent but just that a big deal is made, so we sortve have birthday weeks! Her party was "zebra" themed and turned out super cute, lots of hot pink and black. We had tons of family and friends here to help celebrate and despite the cake collapsing, thank goodness Kevins cousins wife Kathy was here to help put it back together for atleast a few pictures, it was a GREAT day! Sofie loved all the attention, recieved some awesome gifts and after a few minutes of prompting devoured some serious cake! And as an added bonus my other friend Lindsay and her husband Shawn were able to come to her party and stay through sunday, always great to see them! Between louisville friends, murfreesboro friends and lots of family you could certainly see how incredibly blessed my babes (and Kev and I) are to have so many paople love us!

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