Rach has been asking me to post for a long time :)...Unfortunately, I stay pretty busy, as I am sure some of you have read in this blog. So free time is very hard to come by (I just got off of Applebees and Rach is asleep...it is almost 3:30 am as I am posting this). I do very much appreciate Rach's time with this blog. She has so impressed me with learning how to create a wonderfuly artistic blog. I think it is an incredible way to pass things on to our family and friends to let them know about the things in our lives...especially those who do not live here. And her passion (if you cant tell) of pictures has a great place to be displayed.
But I digress...the main purpose of this post is to discuss the top 10 events that affected our lives this past year. Big Al Mohler, our fearless president of the seminary, has his own daily radio show, and I was listening on my way home New Year's eve. The topic of that particular show was to discuss all of the lists in the big time media (as well as his own list) of the top 10 national and international events that impacted the US and the world the most in '08. I know our list is a few days late, but over the past week I took time to make my list and Rach took time to make her list, and this is what I would consider the best combination of these two in the order of biggest impact.
1. Averi’s Birth (an understatement haha)
2. Finances/Rach’s jobs/daycare at home/applebees/bonuses/money management
2b. Trading the truck for the van
3. One year anniversary/love growth/spiritual growth
4. Changes with my job (Merger, moving office locations, Jim’s departure)
5. Weddings, weddings and more weddings
6. Ruthie and Brooke’s miscarriages
7. Mom/Dad and time at their new Farm
8. Relationships changing (With parents, new relationships, friends moving away, the women’s Bible study)
9. Ending Sullivan’s Bible study (after about 3 1/2 years)
10. Rach’s Aunt’s passing
There does not need to be much commentary...most of these speak for themselves.
1. I will say that Averi has been a tremendous blessing.
2. Sorry for the "2b"...I thought I had included that in my final list, but reading over it here realized I did not. It does not necissarily rank that high, but it goes with the creation of the daycare. It was a very sad day for me to say goodbye to my dear old friend "little red" :(.
3. I could say a lot more about these things, but nothing I could say could do these things enough justice. Our love and spiritual lives have grown tremendously within '08.
8. I made the blanket statement in #8 to cover a lot of things...there have been a lot of relationship changes that have played a huge impact in both of our lives. One big impact has allowed me to live out some outdoor dreams that I have had since my childhood!!
We plan on making a list of the top 5 or 10 things we would like to see happen in '09...I would recommend that everyone take time to look over this past year and do something similar.