Tuesday, July 14, 2009

26 weeks

Went to the doctors this morning for a routine visit and everything with miss Sofie seems great! They did the test for gestational diabetes and I had to drink the awful orange drink, I hate that thing, the taste is not terrible but I guess because it is so sweet it always burns my throat, I had been dreading drinking that stuff for the last four weeks knowing it was coming up!
I had to see the new midwife in my practice instead of my regular midwife. She is younger then my regular midwife and has a son the exact same age as Averi, she was SUPER sweet! I have REALLY enjoyed having a midwife this time vs having a male doctor as I did with Averi. Don't get me wrong I liked my doctor with Averi he was very kind but it seems to me that both of the midwives in this practice REALLY try to take their time with you... there is NO rush and you can feel free to ask a million questions, they are also avid supporters of natural birth which is great! I really feel we made a wise decision in switching practices for our second pregnancy! I would suggest my midwife to ANYONE looking for a doctor while pregnant, seriously GREAT experience thus far!
Kevin and I and our dear friends Chris and Laura (who are expecting a daughter the same day we are due with Sofia) have been attending Bradley classes together for 5 weeks now. For those that don't know Bradley classes are 12 week prep classes for natural child birth(that's right I don't want an epidural this time, i had a crazy experience with my epidural last time and would rather not relive it a second time!)... so far the class has been pretty good and given us a lot of information on pain control without drugs as well as practical exercises you can do in order to prep your body for delivery.
I decided to take the classes after some women at our church who have had successful natural deliveries suggested them to me. The four of us have liked them for the most part but are taking it all with a grain of salt! I am by no means an Epidural hater, heck I had one with Av, I just don't want one again! I am also by no means a person who thinks you are harming/ drugging your baby by using an epidural for pain control... I think it is TOTALLY a personal decision and to be honest whether you have a natural birth, epidural birth or Csection you still gave birth and as long as mother and baby are happy and healthy you did great- the Bradley class is pretty headstrong anti epidural or drugs so the four of us have had some conversations about being too extreme! I just want to know how to manage the pain on my own and therefore hopefully not feel like I need the epidural so badly or feel so out of control as I did with Av! The Bradley class is GREAT on giving you practical information on how to prepare your body for delivery, managing pain naturally, giving you confidence that you can do it without drugs, breastfeeding, and postpartum care so in that sense alone I am a HUGE fan, I just block out the extreme statements! We really have enjoyed it!

Here is Sofia Pearl and me at 26 weeks!



Jessi said...

The Bradley method is supposed to be pretty awesome. I learned some stuff about it when I was doing this huge project on the Quiverfull movement for school. Hopefully everything will go smoothly! The women who can handle it have said that it's an amazing experience and brings you closer to your baby.
And I totally know what you mean about the orange drink. I've had lots of bloodsugar issues and I HATE that stuff. Ugh. At least it's over now!

The Murphys said...

I LOVED the orange drink lol. I totally wanted to ask for more after my GD test.