Saturday, October 17, 2009

40 weeks

Well my due date has come and nearly gone with no signs of miss Sofia making her appearance! I walked yesterday, and even moved around some furniture with my sweet friends help, and then went to the mall with my oh so handsome husband and baby girl to try and get labor going today... all resulting in not one single contraction- just some pressure! I must admit I am a little discouraged, (the fact that we even petted a dog named Sofie today didn't help!) not discouraged because I thought Sofie would come before her due date, I have spent the last forty weeks preparing myself for the fact that October 17th may come and go with no baby, and it has. Discouraged because I have a picture in my head of what I wanted this delivery to be.
With Averi I went into labor and delivery very blindly, my delivery with her was NOT bad, my doctor was VERY kind but I decided firmly very shortly after her arrival that I did not want to be induced again and I did not want to have another epidural (mine wore off with Averi, it was my worse nightmare, I would rather experience every contraction and every pain and know how to handle them then go from having no pain to the most intense pain of my life and literally panicking!) that is why I switched practices, because I knew using a midwife would give me a better chance of acheiving my goal of going natural! I feel like I have done everything I can, I worked hard to gain minimal weight and walked constantly during this pregnancy to stay healthy so that there would be no objection to me not being induced.We took 12 weeks of bradley classes to teach both Kevin and I all about labor and delivery and going all natural! I have walked almost daily the last month in order to encourage my cervix to thin and dialate which it has, yet nothing has seemed to encourage labor!
I go to see my midwife tuesday afternoon if Sofie has not arrived, Kevin is going with me, she is going to strip my membranes at this appointment so hopefully that will encourage my body to do its job... we will also begin the discussion of an induction. My midwife said she could let me go two weeks past my due date before she would encourage an induction (as long as Sofie is healthy and my placenta looks fine)but it was totaly my choice if I want to stay pregnant that long... the truth is I don't want to be pregnant that much longer, two weeks in pregnancy world is more like two years! But if the membrane stripping doesn't work then we are undecided of what to do, I am afraid I will feel in some ways disapointed if I opt for an induction (I still plan to go without an epidrual) but I have also spent the last four nights up because I am too uncomfortable to sleep, I am moody and grouchy and very emotional (God bless Kevin for loving me enough to put up with all my moods!) I seriously do not know if I can continue to feel this exhausted for two weeks, and maybe even then still face an induction.
Please Pray for both Kevin and I. He is taking Averi to church by himself tomorrow so I can sleep and then we are spending the rest of the day walking to hopefully encourage labor! If we do not have Sofia by tuesday though we will have to make some decisions that I dont want to make. I want so badly for my body to go into labor on its own with no interventions- pray this is the case, if it is not though pray we will trust Gods soveriegn hand in Sofias birth no matter what that may mean!

Oh and on a very happy note!!! Look at this ADORABLE swing I got yesterday for 20 bucks... I love when I get a great bargain!


Jessi said...

I can't imagine how frustrating it is to not have Sofie in your arms yet. But let's be happy that she is healthy and there are no problems with her impending arrival! I'm continuing to pray for you and your family, Rachel. Can't wait until the new baby gets here- I'm sure someone will put pictures up on facebook pretty quickly!

Kelli said...

I'm sure the waiting is very difficult, but try and treasure these last days that you have with Sofie still in your womb. I'm so thankful Caleb is here, but I also miss feeling all his movements, hiccups, etc. throughout the day. Praying for you, sweet friend!

We can't wait to see your sweet baby girl!