Wednesday, October 14, 2009

this weekend???

I had a check up today... Sofie is low, my cervix is thin and I am two and a half centimeters dilated. My midwife was pleased. We discussed her stripping my membranes but since stripping your membranes can often cause your water to break early on in labor (or actually make your water break and put you into labor) verses later on in labor, which can make your labor more restrictive and more intense I decided to wait another week to have that done, per her suggestion! My midwife and I agree that we want to intervene as little as possible with this delivery and that includes getting it started!
My midwife was very encouraging and said she didn't think I would make it to an appointment next week and that Sofie would be here before the weekend is over. We will see... I am trying my hardest to not get my hopes up and just live under the assumption I will see her for another check up next week, but who knows... these babies have a mind of their own I guess and she will come out when she is good and ready! More then anything we are praying for a healthy baby girl!
If we make it to next week we will definitely have my membranes stripped since I will be past my due date and we will probably have to start talking about an induction... please pray it does not come to this, I really, really, really want to go into labor on my own and be able to labor at home for as long as possible so an induction (as it is not the end of the world) would not be ideal! We are trusting God with his timing and hand in Sofies birth and are being taught a great amount of patience as we await her arrival!

Sofia Pearl...we love you already and know you are so worth this LONG wait!!!! We can not wait to hold you you precious girl!

1 comment:

The Petersen Family said...

I'll be praying for you...I know waiting is rough, but you're doing such a great job :)