Saturday, November 7, 2009

Avs first real hair cut!

So Ive trimmed Averis hair a few times on my own but it was still looking pretty shabby! So today we ventured to Kid O Cuts for her first official hair cut! She loved it, she got to sit in a pink jeep and watch the wiggles while "miss Kathy" quickly trimmed her hair! She then got to play on the slide they have inside the salon and of course got a sucker and a balloon, in one year old world this is a very exciting morning! She looks as cute as can be with her new do... her bangs are evenly trimmed and her awkward side burns she grew in the back are evenly trimmed! the side of her hair is still way shorter then the back so it will take a few more cuts to give her that cute little bob I want so badly for her to have, but that is A- OK we will get there!

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