Friday, November 20, 2009

One month!

Tomorrow Sofie will be one month! Can you believe it? This time last month I had begun to have contractions and we were told to come into the hospital since it was our second baby and would probably be a "quick" delivery... of course it was not particularly quick and she didn't arrive until 7:56 the next morning! Sofies birth was the longest and most painful twelve hours of my life, but also one of the most amazing experiences and certainly worth all the pain!
The minute she was laid upon me I fell in love! I was admittedly scared I would not feel the same emotions with Sofie as I did with Averi... I could not fathom loving another person the way I do her! But oh I DID and I DO! In fact Sofie has made me love being a mom more... she has taught me patience, and strength and reminded me how quickly they grow and to just relax and enjoy this stage- even if this stage does not include a lot of sleep! I am blessed to be a mom to both my gorgeous daughters, they are precious to me... so precious!
Here are the highlights of Sofies first month in our family!
1. Born... October 21st 2009 756am... a petite 6pnds 15 oz
2. Met mom,dad, Nana, Papa, Meemom, Aunt LaLa and Sarah who were all awaiting your arrival!
3. Met, among many other visitors the BIG SISTER Averi! Who was in love with her sister from the start, what a helper she tries to be!
4. Came home!
5. Got put in the light box for jaundice and made SEVERAL trips to the hospital to have labs drawn... finally after 4 days she was allowed out...much to my relief!
6. Had one week check up... weighing in at 7pnds... GO SOFIE!
7. After Nana and Papa went home Sof turned into a much fussier baby and after one scary night filled with breathing issues we were admitted to Kosairs, PRAISE the LORD it ended up being acid reflux and we were given miracle medicine... it is like having an all new baby... an all new much happier baby!
8. Last night Sofie slept from 9pm- 3am... ate then slept until 6:30...any mom with an infant knows a night with that much sleep deserves recording! Praying the nights keep going so well!

Over all it has been a busy and blessed month! I feel I am getting a grip on having two babies and have begun to take them both out and succeeded in getting our house back in order, even caught up the laundry!!!! Here is to one MONTH!!! We love you Sof, cant picture our life without you!

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