Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Parents Day Out!

Averi still attends PDO once a week! She loves it and it has been so fun to watch her interact with other kids her age! Her teachers are so sweet- they adore Averi and she does them as well, she never leaves without giving "miss Amanda" a hug! Her teachers tell us her favorite part of PDO is music class... they say she dances through the whole thing and keeps the whole room laughing! Not that this comes as a suprise, Averi dances all day long to any music!
She recieved an award at her halloween party for "best pirate costume"...go AV! Since Sofie is so little we didnt get to take them trick or treating so her halloween party ended up being her only Halloween celebration! She came home with lots of candy and seemed pleased though so I'm not worried!

Yesterday we found out she had recieved another award at PDO! This one made me and Kevin so proud we could burst! She is Novemebers student of the month... you recieve student of the month by displaying kindness to others, sharing and loving your friends... the letter they sent home said Av has displayed all of these behaviors and is therefore student of the month! We are working diligently on discipline and were so pleased she has shown good behavior at school!

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