Friday, November 6, 2009

one and a half

Our sweet Av,
Mommy is a little late on posting this...but better late then never! I can not believe you have been here a year and a half! It seems like only yesterday I called your daddy and asked him to pick up a digital pregnancy test because I got two lines on a test I had just taken... I knew when I saw those lines our lives were going to change, and when your daddy and I read the word "pregnant" on my second and third test I was THRILLED and TERRIFIED!
After thirty eight weeks and three days and 17 and a half hours of labor you finally came! We had waited anxiously for this day, seeing glimpses of you on an ultrasound, seeing you kick, and praying for your health you were in our arms! You have been beautiful since day one!
At 18months you are so happy! You dance and scream in delight! You always want to sit on our laps and have us read you stories... your favorite story is "I'm a Big sister" we read it at least ten times a day! You sleep through the night, you take one nap a day and you love your baby dolls... you drag your curious George (who you like to have diapered) your Auburn bear and your blankie from Aunt Ruthie everywhere! You give kisses and hugs freely! You chat it up all day long, there are times we do not know what you are saying but we always enjoy listening!
You are a daddy's girl and cheer so loud when he finally gets home from work! But if you are upset or need comforted you want your Momma! You have the most gorgeous eyes and have finally grown a head full of hair! You are perfectly lovely in every regard! You are a jewel!
On the exact day you turned one and a half, October also became a big sister! A big sister is a huge under taking for a one and a half year old! But you have adjusted so well... you love on your sister and try so hard to help! You always want to put her Binky back in her mouth and always want to hold her, you call her "mine baby"... We know you will always look out for baby Sofie and pray you two will grow to be best of friends!
It has been the biggest privilege of my life to be your mommy Averi Noel Yates... God has blessed my life more then I ever could have asked when he gave me your daddy to marry and you and your sister to mother! We love you sweet girl!

1 comment:

The Petersen Family said...

What a sweet Mommy you are :)