After my two extra kiddos headed home I gained two more in their place, my mom and dad are babysitting my nephew and asked if I could watch him for a few hours, which I was up for! I also have to work this weekend so I chose today to spend some time with my God daughter Alayna. So back up to four kiddos I headed off to Target. As I was unloading the kids (Averi was in her snugly carrier, Emma and Corbin in the cart and Alayna walking with me) a lady was waiting to park... she was watching the whole time, I didn't pay much attention to her...UNTIl I get inside and walk past her (all four children were behaving, and being quiet) she says to me " wow you have your hands full" which I smiled to and said "Sure do!" then she says "I do not understand why anyone would do that to themselves, or their children... so many so close together"! I almost died! Once again someone assumed that these were all my kids and made a hurtful and judgemental comment!
I know PLENTY of people have large families, and PLENTY of families who have those children close together and I can only pray to be half the wife and mother they are! If you ask me NO ONE has ANY business telling ANYONE how many children to have, children are a blessing straight from God and their lives should be REJOICED. I was proud of myself for keeping my mouth shut but I will admit it was HARD, I had no idea people could be so rude!
How can you look at these faces and think anything except for "what beautiful blessings?"

WOW! I can't believe how rude people can be! Kudos on biting your tongue, it would be hard for me to do too-I'd probably have a pretty bloody tongue by the end of the day :). People used to give me weird looks when I would keep my friend's son for her, like I was the typical teen mother. lol...I didn't care really, but it does get to you sometimes. Why can't people just not assume the worst?!
Oh, wow. I can't believe someone said that! About the dog, you could fill out something online because there is a leash law. And if I were one of those advice columnists I would say that next time someone says something that rude and assuming, you might politely reply that you are a nanny and would be glad to give her your contact info if she would require your services!
I'm not sure if I would keep my composure in that kind of situation. That's something God and I are working on. Me controlling my mouth. ^_^
You go, girl. Are we a country who embraces LIFE--or not?
Great post!
How in the world did you hold your tongue? Oh wow that is just awful!!
Good for you for not going off, I'm not sure I would have been able to :)
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