In the last week Averi has gotten so close to crawling! She is now up on all fours and rocking... she has even began lifting a hand and placing it in front of the other alothough when she goes to lift her foot she plops back on her belly where she is EXTREMELY satisfied to just roll to whatever she is after! I think she will be crawling in a the next two weeks... what do you think? Averi also loves to stand up. She is begining to pull up on things and loves to stand up against things and play... it seems our little baby has grown up in a matter of weeks!
oh yeah, she'll be crawling in no time. I've been told the rocking back and forth helps them gain their balance on all fours then forward movement will begin! Can't wait to see a crawling video :).
Georgia never really "crawled" she just went from pulling herself to something to pulling up on things and using them to hold her up and then she walked at about ten months... So hey, she may just go right to walking! I was going to tell you that on Sunday, but it got away from me.
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