Sunday, May 17, 2009

18 weeks

I had a regular check up on tuesday, everything with baby Yates number 2 looks great! The heartbeat was strong, my bloode pressure was great and Ive only gained four pounds... I gained way to much weight with averi so I've worked especially hard to not with this baby and was SO pleased I had done so well as was my midwife! We find out friday what we are having, Kevin and I have no idea what we are having- we both thought girl but the last few days have begun to think boy... so who knows as long as it is healthy we are thrilled!
Here are some pictures of me from the wedding I was in over the weekend!



You looked gorgeous in the wedding! I'm so excited for you to find out what ya'll are having! :-)

Megan Abraham said...

Yay for a healthy pregnancy and your tan looks great!