Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We found out Friday morning that sweet baby Yates number two is another baby girl! We are thrilled! She was sitting at an awkward angle throughout the ultrasound so it was hard to get a good face picture but very easy to get the shot we needed to confirm it was definitely a girl- apparently she doesn't have much modesty!
Her first name is Sofia- which like Averi is just a name we both love! It means wisdom which we both hope we are able to instill in both our daughters and that they execute throughout their life! We plan to call her Sofie.
Her middle name is Pearl- which like Av's middle name Noe'l- is a family name. It is after Kevin's late grandmother "Annie Pearl". I only had the privilege of meeting his grandmother twice before she passed away but from what Kevin and his family tell me she was an incredible lady who always watched out for her family and cared deeply for them. We pray miss Sofia Pearl shows the same qualities Nanny Friar did, Kevin was particularly close to her and misses her deeply so it means so much to us both to carry on her name with our own daughter! So literally Sofia Pearls name means a Pearl of wisdom which we thought was very sweet! I will post pictures from the ultrasound later!


The Petersen Family said...

YEY! Little girls are the sweetest :) They are going to have so much fun growing up together!

lillie said...

We are so happy for your little family. I love the name. As former teachers, we never wanted to name our children with the latest "trend" in names, or by a name that was overly common. I love your choices in names for both girls.

Our prayers are with you for a safe pregnancy and delivery.
Marie and Tom