Monday, June 15, 2009

Allergic reaction

I know they suggest babies not have peanut butter until they are two, and i was trying to stick to that rule, but my girl is a food snatcher and snatched up peanut butter crackers and a peanut butter jelly and chowed down before i could catch her. She had no reactions so i assumed she wasn't allergic and peanuts were OK. apparently I was WRONG because despite the fact that she has been eating peanut butter for about a month and a half now after eating it this morning she broke out into hives. In about a thirty minute time span she went from one small hive on her back to her whole back covered, her whole stomach covered, creeping up her neck, the sides of her face, one eye swelling shut, and all down her legs! Needless to say I was FLIPPING out! We rushed her to her pediatrician where they gave her an antihistamine and asked me what she had had to eat. i guiltily explained the peanut butter thing and my pediatrician sweetly explained to me that babies under two do not have a tolerance for peanuts and that you can give it to them ten times and they will be fine and then one time they will have a reaction, I had NO clue. He said to avoid peanut butter, peanut cookies, peanuts and peanut candy and see if it happens again... if it does then we will have to see an allergy specialist to be sure it is not anything more serious! For now she is sound asleep and I am feeling like a terrible mama for giving my baby something that made her sick!


lillie said...

I know how terrible you feel, Rachel, but don't beat yourself up. You are a wonderful Mother. It is impossible to protect from all harm, no matter how much you want to. Now you know, now you can take action. Bless Averi's little heart. It is a shame she may have the allergy. Our son-in-law's nephew is allergic to peanuts too.

The Yates' said...

Thank you, that is comforting! I know in my head i can not protect her from all yet in my heart I want to so badly! I need to work on daily committing every aspect of her life to our Sovereign God because he is in control of everything, even alergic reactions!

lillie said...

Would you believe that will NEVER change, no matter how old your children are. As I said long ago, once you become a parent, that child is ALWAYS on your heart and in your mind, and it is a natural instinct to want to want to protect them - from harm, bad decisions, heartache, etc. The time comes when we need to "let go" and allow them to learn from mistakes, but it is not an easy thing to do, believe me. You are right that it takes a lot of faith in God to relax somewhat.

Brooke and Brian said...

Oh no! Poor Av :) At least she is fine... hopefully she will grow out of it! Dont worry it could have happened to anyone!!! By the way, your new blog format is super cute!

Adam Holly Grace said...

Aww.. poor Av! I am glad you told me this because I have debated on giving Grace peanut butter and I have given her few tiny bites of bread with peanut butter on them before. I had thought it was ok b/c my Dr. had said that Grace would probably be fine to eat anything after she turned 1 since Adam and I have never had problems with allergies... She said just take it easy! But, I knew you told me about the '2' thing a while back so I have been scared to give much to her. It is interesting that you can give it to them repeatedly and they won't react till later. Thanks for that.. b/c that shows me that I need to watch out too!:)

The M Family said...

oh my!!! i agree with your friend lillie, don;t beat yourself up! at least you know now to be careful! :)
i know how you feel though cause of kate's allergies. one thing she is allergic to is peanuts and i'm just thankful she doesn't react with anaphylaxsis! nick accidentally touched her the other day after making a pb&j before washing his hands and she broke out into hives...benadryl and a bath then hydrocortisone cream to the rescue! :)

The M Family said...

oh yeah and i also like your new blog design! :)