Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Registering a second time???

I went back and forth on whether or not it was appropriate to register for Sofie since we just had Averi last year. I do not expect anyone to throw me a shower as I have had six showers in the last two years (three for our wedding and three for Averi) but I have had several friends offer and as long as they promise to keep it small I am OK with it... I just do not want to seem greedy or like I expect people to buy us things for Sofie as they did Averi, we do already have a lot of girl things but there are a few things we need.

1.A double stroller.

This is probably our biggest need! I picked this one because I desperately wanted a side by side that was VERY light weight and this one you can put your car seat into when the baby is young, which if you ask me is a must!
2. A new car seat.

unfortunately our car seat only has about three options in double strollers that it will sit into, and all of those strollers are VERY heavy and VERY big so a new car seat will be a must.
3. A carrier.

I never thought I would bite into name brands but we had the cheapest carrier with Averi and I used it ALL the time, it was miserable, my back was always killing me and Averi was not a big baby at all. My friend Lydia lent us hers when she upgraded to a new one and it was a little better but still pretty miserable! I picked this one because everyone I know that has it LOVES it and I figure since I will be chasing Av around Sofie will be in it even more then Av was. This of course isn't a necessity it would just be nice!
4. a second high chair.

We have one similar to this, except it is wooden, that my sister bought for Averi- we love it because it is small and as our table is counter height averi actually sits with us. We picked this one because it can be collapsed for easy transportation and since we go to TN alot we are always dragging our high chair with us.
5. Small pac n play.

When Averi was little she spent a lot of time sleeping in her pac n play downstairs in the living room, her pac n play is huge though and we are quickly running out of room in our condo amidst all the toys. I picked this because it is about half the size of a pac n play and I could put it in the living room for Sofie to nap in while she is little.
6.Swing and bouncy seat

We were blessed to borrow a swing from a friend with Averi but they are due to have a baby about a month and a half after us so using their swing again wont be an option. We didn't have a bouncy seat with Averi but it sure would have been nice.

We registered for a few other small items as well (bottles, swaddlers ect.). I am still wondering if people will think it rude we registered, I just wanted people to be able to see what we truly need. I have looked at once upon a child and found several of these items but am going to hold out buying them until we see what we are gifted! We really do not expect people to buy us anything, we know everyone has spent a great deal of money on us over the last few years, we just wanted people to see what was most needed. We also put on the registry gift cards and diapers welcome, and believe me the cost of diapers is scaring me enough so any diapers we can get for free would be GREAT!


Brooke and Brian said...

I dont think its rude at all to register!!!! People are going to buy you stuff no matter what, might as well be something you need!!! Love you and your little girls! That pink pack in play is super cute!

Marsha said...

I do not think it is rude to register! You will need more things for the new baby!!
I did want to tell you my thoughts on double stollers... I have had both the side by side and the front and back. I prefer the front and back, even though it is heavier it is much easier to take into stores. When I used the side by side I had a hard time going down isles!! Just my thoughts!!! Congrats on another little girl!


It isn't rude at all to register for Sofie! And anybody who thinks it IS rude are the rude ones! I agree with your friend Marsha about the double stroller thing. I have a side by side jogging double stroller and it is definitely hard to maneuver because it's so wide. Plus with a front to back one when Sofie is still really small she'll be right in front of you so you can see her at all times. Just a thought. I agree about the cost of diapers. If I were you I'd ask anybody who was wanting to buy you guys something small to go with a box of diapers and a thing of wipes. I can tell you from experience it's a lot more overwhelming when you have two babies in diapers. lol

The Yates' said...

Thank you for all your sweet comments! I think I am going to stick with the side by side because the car seat snaps into it and this one isn't wide at all plus it is really light weight, I have an older double thats front to back that I bought on craigslist for 15 bucks last summer to use for Averi and the little girl I babysit and it is impossible, I hate it! So I pushed literally every double around babies R us and LOVE this one... People keep warning us about shopping but I really rarely shop without Kevin and if he is with me he wont go through all the racks anyways so we should be ok!!! Thank you for all the advice tho and keep it coming, I need all I can get with two babies under two I am a little terrified!

Marshman Family Album said...

I have that exact Bjorn that I would love to give you if you want it. It hurt my back as Tank got older so I rarely used it with him... I used it a bit more wit h Georgia, but it is like new condition. Having a carrier is a must with round 2 I think! So if you want it its all yours.