Saturday, June 27, 2009

Poor Mickey...

Averi LOVES to hang out in our downstairs bathroom/ laundry room while I am getting ready or doing laundry. She "helps" me pull clothes out of the drier- I then fold them, she spreads them throughout the downstairs but hey at least she wants to help! Well yesterday I was in the bathroom straightening my hair and Averi waddled in carrying her baby Mickey Mouse, thank goodness I had just cleaned the toilet that morning because that's where Mickey ended up, face first in the toilet! I couldn't help but laugh, I shouldve known better then to keep the toilet open! So I fished Mickey out and immediately put him in the wash with HOT water... while i was doing that Averi walks in with TWO more stuffed animals ready to give them the same death she attempted to give poor Mickey, I sent her back in the living room with both stuffed animals and closed the toilet before she executed her plan! Oh how fun toddler years are going to be, especially while I have an infant to keep up with too, at least these little escapades are FUNNY!

1 comment:

The Murphys said...

That is funny! I can say Corbin never tried to execute his stuffies. He's done a lot of other things, but never that. LOL